Digital Healthcare and Medtech News
3 Aug, 2020
my mhealth named as a supplier on the Crown Commercial Service’s (CCS) Spark Dynamic Purchasing System.
We’re excited to share the news that my mhealth have been named as a supplier on the CCS’s Spark Dynamic Purchasing System.

CCS are the biggest public procurement organisation in the UK. They use their commercial expertise to help buyers in central government and across the public and third sectors to purchase everything from locum doctors and laptops to healthcare apps and software.
By working with organisations and bodies such as the Crown Commercial Service (CCS), my mhealth is changing healthcare forever, by making innovative, life-enhancing MedTech available quickly, cost-effectively and at scale.
Crown Commercial Service supports the public sector to achieve maximum commercial value when procuring common goods and services. In 2018/19, CCS helped the public sector to achieve commercial benefits worth £945m - supporting world-class public services that offer best value for taxpayers.
The entire suite of my mhealth apps are available to purchase via CCS, this includes myCOPD, myAsthma, myDiabetes, myHeart and COVID-19 Virtual Ward.
COVID-19 Virtual Ward is for patients suspected to have or diagnosed with coronavirus. By answering a few questions and recording a few measurements twice a day - cough, wellness, breathing, pulse, temperature and oxygen levels (using an oximeter) - we use a clinically recognised scoring algorithm to assist patients being managed in a virtual environment to be cared for remotely by their clinical team.
myCOPD is the complete app for patients living with COPD. Perfect your inhaler technique with our easy-to-follow inhaler videos and learn how to manage your COPD from world experts. Complete online pulmonary rehabilitation classes from the comfort of your home and get the very best in COPD care. Read real-world and randomised controlled myCOPD studies
myAsthma brings you the world's first online self-management app helping you to achieve the very best asthma control. Built by asthma experts and patients, myAsthma corrects inhaler techniques, monitors lung function, assess symptoms and produces a personalised Action Plan to help patients manage their asthma.
myDiabetes brings you the most comprehensive, user-friendly and intuitive diabetes app available on any device. Built by diabetes experts, myDiabetes puts you in control like never before, with expert education on all aspects of diabetes care. Monitor blood glucose, HbA1C, and other risk factors to reduce the risk of serious long term complications.
myHeart brings the very best digital support to patients with heart disease or recovering from cardiac surgery. Delivering personalised self-management and cardiac rehabilitation programmes, our award-winning platform has over 50 new educational videos. Read the Cardiac Rehabilitation case study.
If you're a healthcare professional or clinician and want to know more about how my mhealth can help your patients, you can find out more at or by calling my mhealth on 0044 (0)1202 299 583
If you're ready to purchase a my health license and want to learn about buying routes via CCS, visit their website .
COVID-19 app asthma app diabetes app heart disease app CCS Spark DPS NHS digital procurementFurther information
Call: +44 (0)1202 299 583