Structured Fitness and Nutrition Program for People with Type 2 Diabetes.
Being inactive and overweight increases the risk of complications in patients with type 2 diabetes, and makes people more vulnerable to the effects of COVID-19. That's why we've created DM:Fit, a 12-week exercise and nutrition program for people with type 2 diabetes to help them gain more control over their blood sugars and reduce the risk of long-term complications.
Using DM:Fit regularly will help control blood sugar and HbA1c and reduce weight, blood pressure and cholesterol.
Designed to help you lose weight, improve mental wellbeing, and prepare your body for fighting disease and infections, DM:Fit is suitable for all physical abilities.
Too many fitness programs are designed for the super-fit, but we know that everyone has to start somewhere. That's why we've created three fitness zones to help people of every ability to improve their fitness levels.
DM:Fit is crammed with dietary and nutrition advice too. Tailored for people with type 2 diabetes that are undertaking the fitness program, the Eat Well Zone covers everything from goal setting, healthy eating on a budget, understanding what's the best food to fuel exercise and so much more.
Exercise Zone 1
Starting gradually in Zone 1, you'll complete a gentle 35-minute workout three times a week in your own home without the need for equipment or a gym. What's more, our fitness instructor covers both seated and standing exercises so you can choose the moves that are right for you.

Exercise Zone 2
Zone 2 moves up a gear. The frequency of exercise sessions increase but remain at a level that everyone can achieve. The great thing about DM:Fit is that if you're not comfortable with the increased frequency, you can repeat the previous zone until you're ready to raise your game.
Exercise Zone 3
By the time you reach Zone 3, you'll have completed at least two months of exercise and will almost certainly have seen improvements to your weight, fitness levels and mental health. That's why in Zone 3 workouts are done for three days in a row, with a rest day in between. This may seem like a challenge, but the previous zones have been designed to get you to this level!

Track Your Weight
DM:Fit enables you to keep track of your weight, enabling you to monitor your exercise progress and improvements to your BMI throughout the 12-week program. Use your manual scales or connect Omron VIVA digital scales via Bluetooth to effortlessly sync your weight with DM:Fit (digital scales are available to purchase directly from us by calling 01202 299 583).
The Eat Well zone is overflowing with videos covering everything you need to optimise your diet as part of your DM:Fit program - including tips and tricks for healthy eating on a budget, mindful eating, understanding food labels, goal setting and much more.

Activity Diary
This new feature enables patients and clinical teams to automatically track in-app activity from DM:Fit.
Patient activity can be viewed in the clinician app, so both the patient and clinician can see all online and offline activity in one place, detailing:
How to get DM:Fit
DM:Fit is included in the QISMET Certified myDiabetes app.
If you have type 2 diabetes and would like to use DM:Fit to help you lose weight and control your blood sugar, cholesterol and HbA1c levels, please contact your GP and ask them to register you for the myDiabetes app.
If you're a clinician and want to give your patients access to myDiabetes and the DM:Fit program, please contact us for details. We can get you up and running and delivering myDiabetes to your patients in just 48 hours.