Digital Healthcare and Medtech News

16th July 2024

Understanding NICE Early Value Assessments: What do they mean for Healthcare?

By Maryam Tariq, Clinical Engagement Specialist at my mhealth

As the world changes around us, the NHS not only needs to keep up with this change but also transcend the increasing needs and demands placed on this behemoth system.

I sidestepped into the world of digital technology about 6 years ago after spending a decade on the front line and experiencing firsthand the challenges of providing care with increasing demand but limited supply. To say I was naïve to the world of technology is an understatement and I very quickly came to realise that whilst the mode of delivery was different, the barriers and hurdles were not.

Technology encompasses all aspects of our lives and without sounding archaic, there seems to be an app for everything! Undoubtedly this has made navigating everyday tasks easier but where does this leave healthcare and how we validate and standardise the approach to health technology?


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