Digital Healthcare and Medtech News
24 Apr, 2020
my mhealth develop coronavirus app for NHS to support patients remotely.
COVID-19 Virtual Ward app: a remote coronavirus monitoring service giving clinicians a 360-degree view of patients symptoms.

COVID-19 Virtual Ward is for patients suspected to have or diagnosed with coronavirus. By answering a few questions and recording a few measurements twice a day - cough, wellness, breathing, pulse, temperature and oxygen levels (using an oximeter) - the app uses a clinically recognised scoring algorithm to assist patients being managed in a virtual environment to be cared for remotely by their clinical team.
The app works in parallel with all four apps in the my mhealth eco-system - myCOPD, myAsthma, myDiabetes and myHeart - making it the only coronavirus app in the world that supports patients with co-morbidities.
Clinical teams can monitor hundreds of patients remotely and intervene when necessary, taking pressure off front-line services.
Dr Simon Bourne, founder and CEO of my mhealth and the principal designer of the app talks about the benefits the new COVID-19 Virtual Ward brings to clinicians and patients: "As clinicians ourselves we have experienced first-hand the enormous resource impact that the current pandemic is having at all levels of care. In response to a request from NHS clinicians and providers, we have built a simple yet powerful bolt-on to the current my mhealth platform that will enable a safe, cost-effective, immediately deployable solution to managing the many 1000s of patients that need to be monitored outside of the conventional setting."
The patient dashboard displays all the patients under a clinician's care, their current symptoms, oxygen saturation, pulse rate and wellness.
The patient's profile allows clinical teams to track their patient's symptoms and physiology over time, making it easy to see changes and to decide when a patient needs extra support.

With all the latest official coronavirus advice from the UK governments Chief Medical Officer and Chief Science Officer, the COVID-19 Virtual Ward app has been heralded as an essential tool in the NHS arsenal for fighting coronavirus and supporting the population at scale. Dr Bourne explained why, "In a time when we are all having to run clinical services remotely, there is a realisation that to manage patients at a population scale we need to harness the same devices for healthcare services and monitoring, that many of our patients are already using to manage their day to day lives. Technology has the power to free up clinical resources to enable us to prioritise care for the most vulnerable in the community".
Dr Bourne has invited clinical commissioning groups to join forces with my health, saying "We can help clinical teams to get up and running within 48 hours, please contact us today and we can support, train and activate your teams remotely to start admitting patients to the virtual ward within hours".
If you're a healthcare professional or clinician and want to know more about how COVID-19 Virtual Ward can help your patients, you can find out more at or by calling my mhealth on 0044 (0)1202 299 583
COVID-19 coronavirus new app NHSFurther information
Call: +44 (0)1202 299 583