Digital Healthcare and Medtech News
1 Nov, 2023
Successful Pilot Study Paves the Way for Widespread Deployment of myAsthma across NHS Cambridgeshire & Peterborough.
NHS Cambridgeshire & Peterborough has chosen the myAsthma app for widespread deployment across the ICS.

In a significant stride towards addressing health inequalities and improving asthma management, NHS Cambridgeshire & Peterborough has chosen the myAsthma app for widespread deployment across the ICS. This announcement follows the resounding success of the myAsthma Project conducted last year within the ICS.
Funded by NHSx, the focus of the myAsthma Project was to target 9 primary care practices with the highest health care utilisation and level of deprivation associated with asthma in Cambridgeshire & Peterborough, to evaluate the effectiveness of the myAsthma app.
Asthma is a common respiratory condition, but stark disparities in prevalence and associated healthcare outcomes are evident across the UK. Shedding light on this issue, a report from Asthma & Lung UK, titled "On the edge: how inequality affects people with asthma,"1. reveals those in deprived communities face both a higher prevalence of asthma and higher likelihood of hospitalisation. The report calls for the promotion of self-management in asthma but recognises the challenges in embedding effective self-management practices in groups with low health literacy.
myAsthma, designed and developed by my mhealth, offers a self-management platform for individuals living with adult asthma, and includes expert education and inhaler technique training and much more. myAsthma has been designed to support improved health literacy, drive patient empowerment to achieve greater disease control and ultimately help reduce the frequency of exacerbations and unplanned healthcare utilisation.
The results from the project were promising and have supported the case to extend the implementation across Cambridgeshire & Peterborough ICS.
Dr Sripat Pai, GP Clinical Lead, Cambridgeshire & Peterborough Integrated Care System comments:
"myAsthma provides our local people with asthma with the tools they need to self-manage more effectively and clinicians with a way to remotely monitor, manage and support their patients in an efficient way. The results of this pilot study have been extremely encouraging, particularly in our more deprived communities, and we look forward to seeing the impact the myAsthma App will bring once available for our wider population.”
With the deployment of the myAsthma app underway across the region, Cambridgeshire & Peterborough are poised to lead the way in tackling asthma health inequalities and empower their asthma population.
Supporting the implementation and rollout of the app, NHS Cambridgeshire & Peterborough have the support of the my mhealth Digital Health Advisers, who can provide workforce resource whilst driving digital literacy and inclusion.
If you are interested in replicating the success of myAsthma in Cambridgeshire & Peterborough in your own service, please get in touch
References: 1.
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