Turbu+ Device Support

Learn how to connect your Turbu+ inhaler to your my mhealth app, sync your data and maintain your inhaler with this handy guide.

What is Turbu+?

Turbu+ is a personal medication tracker that fits to the bottom of your inhaler and improves medication adherence.

Can I reuse my Turbu+?

This Bluetooth enabled device is 100% reusable and should be fitted to your replacement inhalers. Please do not throw it away when your inhaler is empty and follow the instructions below on how to set-up your Turbu+ device on your new inhaler.

How do I set-up my Turbu+ device?

This is a step-by-step video guide on how to set up your Turbu+ device, with details on what each of the coloured lights mean and how to connect Turbu+ to your inhaler.

How do I pair my Turbu+ device with myCOPD or myAsthma?

This is a step-by-step video guide on how to pair your Turbu+ device with myCOPD or myAsthma so that your app can track your medication usage and adherence.

How do I replace my inhaler and attach it to my Turbu+ device?

This is a step-by-step video guide on how to replace and attach an inhaler to your Turbu+.

Who do I contact if there's a technical issue or fault with my Turbu+ device?

If you have any technical issues with the Turbu+ device itself, please contact the manufacturer by email.

Who do I contact if I have a technical question about myAsthma or myCOPD?

If you have any technical question about your app, please contact our support team.


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