my mhealth digital transformation team

Helping you to deliver patient centred care, of high quality at population scale

A dedicated team to help with your transition to digitally enabled patient care

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Changing the current infrastructure

Health care operates in four keys areas

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Acute Care


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Community Care

(Community Providers)

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Primary Care

(General practice)

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There are very few mobile health apps operating in the NHS, and the disparate nature of NHS IT infrastructure means there is no efficient digital communication and no coordinated digital healthcare. Indeed, much of the IT and healthcare still operates in silos.

To deploy the product there are 3 key stages of transformation:

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System activation

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Clinician / Provider Activation

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Patient Activation

System activation

This is where the service has been commissioned and my mhealth perform an assessment of the current infrastructure to enable the delivery of myCOPD and other my mhealth products. This is a simple assessment of the providers’ infrastructure, and the availability of devices with up to date web browsers. Normally, all that is required is an update of the current preferred browser to the latest version and, if necessary, a revision on the specific firewall rules in place to allow access to the domain.

Clinician / Provider Activation

This is where there’s a clear message, from the commissioners of the pathway to the providers to embed myCOPD and other my mhealth products into current working practice and the patient pathway.

This then enables the delivery of high quality education, inhaler technique correction, symptom reporting and pulmonary rehabilitation. The digital transformation team work with the local clinicians to:

  • Introduce them to the product(s)
  • Discuss the evidence base behind the mHealth interventions
  • Identify use of the product in acute, community, rehabilitation and primary care
  • Discuss training requirements
  • Run workshops on pathway design and transformation at all levels

Patient activation

Patients are activated by introducing them to the product in 2 ways:


Face to face coaching and registration – which takes just 10-15 minutes


Provision of username and password – 90% of patients can self-register through a simple user interface. This can be done by e-mail.

By far the most successful method is face to face coaching and implementing the applications within the current patient pathway.

This small upfront investment reaps rewards many times over in terms of better patient self-management and reduced clinician interactions.

The patient deployment can then take place at the following levels (depending on pathway and local assets):

Primary care diagnosis and annual review

Acute sector admission discharge bundle and outpatient clinic

Pulmonary/Cardiac rehabilitation

Community pharmacy medicine use review

Patient groups

The system, clinician and patient activation are assisted using our my mhealth digital transformation teams.

The digital transformation team provide:

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Expert mhealth clinicians

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Digital project managers

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Onsite and remote trainings

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Localisation of current content


Request a free demo or find out more

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Call us on 01202 299 583

Open 8 am to 5 pm, Monday to Friday (except bank holidays)